
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Check out books from the Public Library at School!

Thanks to Lynn at the Southwick Public Library, there are now books from the public library right here at STRHS.  There is a great selection of new and modern classic books that the high school library does not have. The available books are:

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Pick of the Week- Red Queen

is The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard.  This exciting new fantasy novel by a local author (she's from East Longmeadow) has spent 10 weeks on the New York Times best seller list!  The story follows Mare, a teenager who lives in a world divided ruled by silver blooded elites who have special powers and red blooded people who live in squalor and are forced to serve the Silvers.  Mare, born with red blood, discovers that she has a special power, too.  Can she use this power to change her world?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Pick of the Week- Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  This hilarious story of Arthur Dent, the sole human survivor of Earth's adventures around the galaxy will keep you laughing til the end of time. This is one of my all time favorite books.  If you like British humor, this is the book for you.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Do you love language? Try this great app: Duolingo

If you love the idea of learning a new language or improving on your skills that might be a little rusty, try the app Duolingo.
This is a great app that encourages you to practice a little each day.  It adjusts the difficulty of questions on your past answers, so you get a mix of skills that are challenging, yet possible.  Use it to improve your Spanish or French grade, or for fun!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Pick of the Week- March

is March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andew Aydin, and Nate Powell.  The second part of John Lewis' graphic memoir is packed with suspense and history.  John Lewis is a living treasure of courage and a testament to the power of non-violence.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Top Ten of STRHS

You've seen the best sellers- now take a look at the most popular books from the STRHS Library.